How to Prepare a Standout College Application

eBook - Expert Advice that Takes You from LMO

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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9781118702062
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 352 S., 1.02 MB
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2013
Format: EPUB
Digitale Rechteverwaltung: Adobe DRM


Demystifying the process of completing a college application

Written by two former admissions officers at top universities and current admissions coaches, this book is a must-have for preparing a winning college application. The authors reveal the mystery behind what college admissions officers are looking for and show applicants how to leverage their credentials, stand out in the over-crowded applicants' pool, and make a genuine, memorable impression. This is the book that will help the college-bound get off the "like many others" pile and onto the acceptance list.

Includes instructions and examples for every component of the college application, from writing the essay to answering questions like "Why do you want to go to College X?"Shows how to avoid underestimating the importance of critical features on any applicationIncludes the latest information on the Common Application 4.0 and corrects outdated, holdover advice still stressed in many other books

This book is filled with step-by-step advice that students and parents can use immediately and will refer to again and again.


Alison Cooper Chisolm andAnna Ivey work together at Cambridge, Massachusetts-based Ivey College Consulting, an admissions coaching firm that helps applicants around the world get into top U.S. colleges.


Preface v PART 1 Getting Started 1 1 Big Decisions 3 2 Your Plan 13 3 Your Story 22 4 Your Résumé 35PART 2 Completing the Application 61 5 Th e Application as a Whole 63 6 Factual Questions about You and Your Family 72 7 Education and Academic Questions 85 8 Activities Lists 91 9 Really Short Answer Questions 117 10 Short Answer Questions 127 11 Essay Questions 133 12 Why College X? Questions 167 13 Disciplinary and Criminal Background Questions 179 14 Miscellaneous Other Questions 188 15 Additional Information Questions 197 16 Supplementary Materials 201 17 Test Score Reports 212 18 School Reports 229 19 Recommendations 250 20 Interviews 271 21 Th e Application as a Whole ReduxPART 3 Crossing the Finish Line 295 22 Th e Logistics of Submitting and Following Up 297 23 Application Updates (Including Deferrals, Wait Lists, and Correcting Mistakes) 310 Closing: Youre Done, Now What? 327 About the Authors 331 Index 333

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